A flavorful Kerala-style curry made with tender anchovies (Natholi) cooked in a rich coconut base, infused with aromatic spices and tamarind for a perfect balance of heat and tang. Ideal...
Bring the iconic crunch and flavor of KFC to your kitchen with this homemade crispy fried chicken recipe. Marinated in buttermilk, coated with a flavorful blend of spices, and double-dipped...
These classic buttermilk pancakes are light, fluffy, and incredibly easy to make. The slight tang from the buttermilk pairs perfectly with syrup, butter, or fresh fruits.
Koshari is a beloved Egyptian comfort food that combines the perfect mix of textures and flavors. The dish features a base of rice, brown lentils, and pasta, topped with a...
Kabsa, a beloved dish from the Arab world, is a one-pot wonder that combines aromatic basmati rice, tender chicken or lamb, and a blend of warm spices like cardamom, cinnamon,...
Manchurian Chaat, a fusion of crispy Manchurian balls and tangy chaat elements. It’s a flavorful, spicy, and crunchy dish that's a hit in any party or as a snack.
Njandu Soup is a flavorful and comforting seafood soup originating from Kerala, South India. It combines tender crab with a rich blend of spices and coconut milk, making it a...
This Potato and Green Peas Curry is a classic, wholesome dish bursting with the flavors of cumin, tomatoes, and warm spices. It’s a versatile recipe, suitable for everyday meals or...
A traditional South Indian curry packed with bold flavors! This tangy and spicy dish, made with tender brinjals and aromatic spices, is the perfect companion to steamed rice.